Monday, July 3, 2017

How my Eid was before

When I was a kid,
We go to kampung a week early,
Me and my cousins would go to kedai and beli,
A sparkled lid we call bunga api,
The elders yell 'Oi bahaya!'
But we'd still play and be ever happy.

When I was a kid,
My big uncle sits on his small chair,
He had a big smile and happiness to share,
All kids runs to him in baju raya they wear,
Because we love his duit raya (chuckles)
and that's what we care.

When I was a kid,
Everyone comes to be one,
The elders prepare the foods and we kids run around,
Everyone gathers greets each other 'Selamat Hari Raya'
and forgives each other cause that's what we want.

And of course,
When I was a kid,
I never knew that this'd be the end of it,
Things change and we grow up a bit,
Cause time is ticking as I sit,
But I can promise you
Before this ketupat and rendang I'll eat,
That I will cherish this as I see fit.

This (please oh please) will never be the end of it.