Sunday, March 29, 2015

MISI Broga Expedition

Assalam and greetings people.

Not normal for me to update my blog after months, days and nights of unattended blogging quests. Which means, today I'll tell a tale of me and my club-mates, ditching our morning kiss of comfy bed and set a journey full of chemistry and physics. Just kidding bout those science subjects. But we were in a great chemistry! 

Anyway, the journey to Broga Hill *ba dumm tss*

There were 10 of us; 9 in a car, 1 on a motorcycle. On a blissful Friday morning at 4.30 am, we went to Broga Hill at Semenyih from IIUM Gombak. I drove big car for the first time in forever. *play Anna's song here* It was a heart attack for me. I don't like big car.

Anyway, we used GPS since none of us know the exact route to Broga Hills even there were 2 among us, have been there before. As expected, I blamed the GPS for creating confusion, thus leaded me to a strange path. We're lost. But there's no giving up yaw, and of course, there's no other choice. We have to follow the GPS. 

Alhamdulillah, after quite hell of bumpy ride, we've arrived at Broga Hill around 5.10 am. All safe and sound! After du'a, we set our quest to retrieve the ring of Sauron.

Like a romance story, there are no story without a hiccup. One of our mate felt like she need a rest. Apparently, this young lady didn't have enough sleep beforehand, plus not having his meal too. Ouch. We were a bit in dilemma, either to pursue the dream of 'My Precious' or to return and come again later. One of our mate gave her the motivation she needs, and also a bun to give her an energy kick. 

This was made as her motivation. A better view if she keeps on moving forward. 
Around 6.30 am, we stopped and performed our Subuh prayer together. Yeay! Who says you can't have a journey full of bless and tranquil? 

Not sure bout the timing. After Subuh picture. A view from our pit stop.
The pit stop was not a checkpoint, rather a spacious place for us to rest and pray. Anyway, inside joke. After the girl performed her prayer, she said, she felt a little bit more relaxed. Then someone replied, sujud more! And I laughed. I don't know, it was a simple joke but not so joking. Well, a bit lah. Okay fine, I was the only one who take that as a joke hahahaha.

The first checkpoint was quite near to the pit stop. Just a few step ahead, we're there! 1st checkpoint, accomplished. 3 of us needed some rest, so they stayed. Another 7 continued to conquer the 2nd checkpoint, which was also the last one! 

Journey to 1st checkpoint.
Huzza! 2nd checkpoint conquered. Alhamdulillah. After those struggles, really, we made it! The views were MashaAllah. Really beautiful, much awesomeness, felt like I wanna flip hairs, but I don't have long hairs.

6 of us, another one enslaved as photographer. Lol.

From the highest checkpoint.
I guess they found a monkey, which is me. 
Here's a selfie for you. 
We all need peer support.


9 of us w/o Teha.
There you go. A journey made possible. Anyway, remember the ring of Sauron? We didn't manage to get it. It was the sunrise that we wanted to see the most. But the sunrise we built among us are far much brighter and beautiful than that. :D Much kisses from me.
