Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Awkward Moments

Assalamualaikum and greeting fellow beautiful, charming and handsome mates.

How's life? Banyak senang atau banyak susah? Kalau senang, share la sikit. Kalau susah, pi main jauh-jauh. Just kidding : )

Aku nak share something. Pernah tak korang mengalami situasi yang pelik? You can smell the awkwardness in the air as if it kills you but its fun. Mesti pernah la.

1. The Path Not Taken
Kadang-kadang kalau jalan, kita tak nampak pun orang kat depan. Contoh kalau korang layan phone atau jalan berpenjuru or any path it is. Korang jalan and then you bump into someone. Maybe tak langgar. But it's awkward, as you try to walk, he/she is trying to walk on the same path you're choosing. You move to the left, and that person move to the left too. You move to the right, that person move to the right. Maximum loops are 2 or 3. Bila dah tension, either one of you will say, "You go right, I go to the left". Either by words or simple signs.

2. Say My Name
Anyone with spec and you rarely use your spec? Or maybe you don't use spec in public? Or are you super-friendly?
Then I guess you're one of these people. Maybe korang tengah duduk somewhere, well I don't know, maybe at the cafe. Then there's one particular person yang korang kenal, maybe. Tanpa rasa segan silu, korang panggil and jerit nama.
Hoi Amir!!!!(lakonan semata-mata)
It turns out to be that person is not who you think he/she is. Yang paling pelik kalau orang tu datang, and you said, "Eh, salah orang".
I guess someone need to cover their face now. Confirm malu kan?

3. Who are you?
Mungkin pada zaman muda-mudi atau zaman lampau dulu, korang ni famous and friendly. Zaman kegemilangan bila korang ade battalion sendiri. Seluruh orang Kampung Pisang kenal. Tapi sejak merantau ke tempat orang, korang semakin membesar. Muka pun macam mak/bapak orang.
Bila balik kampung, korang terjumpa someone korang kenal. Tapi lupa nama. In your mind, "Aku kenal, tapi sapa nama budak ni?". Borak panjang sampai lewat malam and still takleh nak ingat nama dia. Lastly, idea datang.

Encik Amir : Eh, nak balik dulu ade hal. Nanti meet up lagi k. Aku rasa aku xdak number phone kau la.
Datuk J : Aku pun xdak.
Encik Amir : *Sepantas kilat mengeluarkan handphone* Ape number hp kau?
Datuk J : 010 bla bla bla
Encik Amir : Ape tadi? Eh, kau save sendiri la number hp kau kat handphone aku ni. Nanti aku miss call number kau. (alasan)
Datuk J : Okay. *save number dalam hp Amir*
Encik Amir : Alright.
Datuk J : Alright nanti jumpa lagi.
Encik Amir : No probs. Roger roger la. Assalam. 
Datuk J beredar dari stage.. 
Encik Amir : Oh, Joyah rupenye name dia ni. Aku ingatkan Jay-Z.
Pandai kan? Suroh orang tu save number dia sendiri dalam handphone korang. And then you got his/her name. Walla! Splendid!

4. Crap. Wrong Timing.
Situasi ini berlaku bila korang ada geng yang gila-gila. Padahal benda yang xdak benda, jadi awkward. =.=

Lady : Ehmm... Excuse me. I believe you have my mechanical pencil. Remember last time. You borrowed mine.
Guy : Oh right. Sorry I didn't realized that I still have it. Wait for a sec. *searching searching* 
Suddenly le friends screw up the moment. 
Friend 1 : Perghhhh. Dah pandai kau eh.
Friend 2 : Awek baru ke?
Friend 3 : Amboi.. Kemain lagi kau. Gadis melayu comel terakhir.
Friend 4 : You have my mechanical pencil. Pick up line power.
Lady : err.. Takpe la. Nanti awak bagi lain kali je k.  

The heck was that?

I believe you'll make this kind of reaction. And goodbye Lady. Your last meeting with her will be the day when you give her back the mechanical pencil. Muahaha. 

Kebanyakan awkward moments aku either no.1 or no.2. Aku pakai spec and I don't use it in public. 
And ada banyak lagi awkward moments. I believe some of you have your own stories. Bila fikir balik, korang ketawa sendiri. Another awkward moment. Haha

Anyway, tell me yours. Awkwardness in the air.

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