About Me

Credit to Ariff Hakimi Azahari

Name : Muhammad Amirullah Bin Zulkifli
Date of Birth : July, 1992
Hometown : Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Current City : Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

An undergraduate student of English Literature major and Anthropology minor in International Islamic University Malaysia. 


This is a personal blog owned alone by me. I post topics on literature, stories of my activities and travelogue, thoughts, and any random stuff, only to the extent of my knowledge. I share my artworks; drawings, illustrations, and pictures too.


With all due respects, I apology beforehand, if any contents in this blog, offend any particular person or groups. 


Twitter : AmirullahZul
Instagram : AmirullahZul
Google+ : Amirullah Zulkifli

If you need my email, please contact me via my social media and I'll give you my email personally.


Disclaimer : Any content - writings, media, and anything else, are mine unless stated.