Hi. It's been a while and hard for me to access the Internet since my phone has malfunctioned entirely. Nevertheless, with these few minutes, I would like to share few things here.
First, I am on an assignment. To be truthful, a research on Bidayuh language. The discipline of the research should cover the sociolinguistic issues of the said language. Although the direction of this research has not yet been determined, but I am looking forward to it in a very positive light. May it becomes my merit for my future postgraduate study. Hence, do pray for me.
Second, I am currently on writing projects; a novel, and Spades Book Project. This is funny but you should know that I've been trying to write a novel and with a little time I have during this holiday, I do hope I can spare some times to finish it. The second project is under Theatre House of Silver Spades. We've started it before Ramadan and it's in progress. For more information, do visit the blog website.
Third, my current readings. I have two novels with me; Sentuhan Kasih by Norhayati Berahim, and Ego Langit Ketujuh by Aesya Azahar. Norhayati, as I presumed and mentioned by my aunt and my sister, is a great writer of many best-selling books such as Inferior and Seindah Derita. I'm currently reading Sentuhan Kasih and I've been having heart attack moments in a positive and exciting way. Soon after I finish reading Sentuhan Kasih, I'll be moving on to Ego Langit Ketujuh. The author is a classmate I've known for a semester and funny I know of her, but not her writings yet. As informed by my sisters, she has written two other novels namely Isteri vs. Tunang and Mr.Boss Miss Stalker which have been adapted into local TV series. I know she doesn't like her friends reading her novels and that's why this update should not be on Twitter. Plus, what's the adventure of reading with all of the hesitation? Of course, I've never hesitated to read. Haha.
Fourth, my is it so hot in this room?
That's all. Cheerio!