Friday, January 9, 2015

Post Counseling

Assalamualaikum and greetings.

Before I begin my short and long writings, may I take this brief chance to wish you readers Happy New Year 2015. Year 2014 has passed and a new chapter begins, waiting to be designed by creative and innovative architect, modeled by young minds of engineer, write by hands of writers, and of course, you and me!

Now, let's continue from there. 

For the past few days, I have been in depression and developed high level of anxiety due to a recurring event that was not intended. I missed my examination paper. It was frustrating, as I have it written down, alarm set and yet I overslept. 

Because I don't want depression to eat my emotion from the inside, I went to get myself a counseling. I have it prepared but something happened, and I accepted that it was my fault. Something in this world is beyond our control. It was written, fated in another way, it teaches us. Allah has put us in a jumpy ride and feed us with tests, and I was reminded by Him. Sometimes, we need an alarm to wake us up.

Nevertheless, I love this subject very much. It's Expository Writing subject and definitely, I don't want to fail it. In advance, I have written an appeal letter and sent it to the deputy dean. I'm waiting for a response; perhaps in the beginning of next semester. I need your prayers, hoping that my appeal is accepted. 

With this, I assure you, either results - yes and no from the deputy dean, I will be Superman. A no won't make me feel sad. Well, of course, a bit but I'll be strong. I'll phoenix my way up and burn a grade A for that paper! 

Bismillah and Ameen.

So, pray for me? *wink wink* :D