Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Temporal 'Micheal Bay' Effect in Manifesto and its Aftereffects in IIUM SRC Election

Assalamualaikum and greetings.

IIUM Student Representative Council is going to take place soon within these few days. So, here is my piece for them.

Pre-read notice: Be open-minded!

Title: A Temporal 'Micheal Bay' Effect in Manifesto and its Aftereffects

A candidate can simply states that he/she is fighting for the people. 'From people to people', has been propagandised through vast social medias, and also printed black and white. Propaganda or sincerity? We never know, or at least, we have faith in them.

Take that away, now we look how far can their words last. Students evaluate through experiences by their conscious mind. When candidates fill in the loop holes with hopes and efforts, students will eventually vote them. Now, the real question for this part, are those manifestos meant for the students or just to win their hearts? To candidates, don't take it personal. This part is between you and your heart.

Successful candidates will now uphold the wisdom of their own words and represent themselves as a team under one of the most notable high-level students' society - Student Representative Council, with one mission and vision. However, manifestos need to be manifested, by hook or by crook. We live in democratic society, and in university, students will be judges, even if fellow representatives refuse to acknowledge it. At the end of the tenure, students will urge the representatives to make a self-audit of their own manifestos.

This culture is practiced in most universities and there are pros and cons of it. Through self-audit, students get to know which manifestos have been implemented, preventing future candidates to use the same manifestos, and which one is written on a paper for two long semesters and one short semester as manifesto just for 'Micheal Bay' effect, or a wow factor. The downside, which most representatives tend to take it in a positive manner is proving that they have successfully win the game. Is it a competition between winner and loser? A coward for not taking up the challenge to self-audit? A hero for keeping up his/her words until the end? Is it a final stage for defending oneself after receiving supporting or ruthless comments for a tiring one-year tenure? Take these questions as your personal self-audit.

Last piece of words, ask yourself again and again, in daylights and in nights, on your knees, gracing your palms for His guidances,

"Am I in this for selfish reasons or sincere to help my fellow friends?"

Intention triumphs manifesto.

7.30pm, Sunday, Nov 16 2014

p/s: Happy voting, students! ‪#‎IIUM‬