My Goose's Dream
I fell, shattered, wounded
Like a glass full of air
It bleeds nothing
But I have dreams
I'll pour love
Bloom with red passion
I will fight, shine, win
by AmirullahZul
Assalam readers,
Time flies and my brain get rusty. Too much air, and I can hear empty can clinking, and guess who's the one responsible for that. These past few days, including the last few months, I have made a decision that would be one of the most hardcore life-changing and future-dependent. It was drastic, some people considered it as too late, wasting of times, and more on the emotional part, and I should stop listing it down now.
I did it for the sake of who I am in the future. To please me, now and later on. I live in a society, or a bloodline that'd question me of what will I do with my graduation scroll, my degree, and of my days as a human, and in the end, I will be the one, not to please me, but to please others.
I have dreams, and these dreams changes countless times - from childhood to adulthood, and when I get old, will I ever have one dream that I will live with? I can't guarantee.
For everything, I am being me, doing something recklessly just for me. And others, if you have nothing else to say other than giving me discouragements, then please don't. I beg your mercy, give me supports. If you're holding my hands, you're one of a kind.
Please, make du'a for my fresh application as an IIUM student.
In Soo In - Goose's Dream